Can the screens attract customers?

By |2018-06-07T15:28:47-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage, Professional screens|

When retailers examine kiosks or digital signage, their first question is: "How will you attract customers?" Today's consumer is not easily impressed by fancy screens, so there must be some kind of hook to drag them. Some retailers are using attract screens in their kiosks, screens and touch screens to attract customers with loop content. [...]

100 ideas of digital signage content for almost any industry

By |2018-06-07T15:23:58-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage|

As a company using digital signage, one of its most difficult tasks is planning ideas for new content to keep screens interesting. Digging through Google can take a long time and leave you with generic results and too simplified. Repurposing old and traditional graphics of flyers and posters does not seem modern enough. And, as [...]

How to overcome 10 content challenges with digital signage

By |2018-06-07T15:20:58-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage, DOOH|

It is not easy to deal with the challenges of digital signage. Here are 10 obstacles to overcome when pushing content to digital signage systems. Although often relegated to the back seat, the process of creating content drives the success of a digital signage program. Therefore, it is essential to develop a mental map of [...]

3 tips to ensure that digital signage is successful in restaurants

By |2018-06-07T17:59:37-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage, Menu board|

Many restaurants are taking over digital signage as candy in an effort to increase ticket sales and customer service. They are using them both indoors and outdoors and on tables to meet the needs of digital natives. That said, simply implementing technology does not guarantee success. If the restaurant can not find a way to [...]

NanoLumens promotes the digital signage in stores with a new interactive Led poster

By |2018-06-07T17:55:17-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage, Retail|

The digital is replacing the static in almost every aspect of our lives, and retail is a great opportunity for those who are willing to be the first to adopt this technology. Whether you are looking for a better brand image, a better shopping experience or a true interaction with the customer, our Digital Led [...]

Digital Out of Home: a communication channel, not an advertising medium

By |2018-06-07T17:33:55-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital kiosk, Digital Signage, DOOH|

h4> The objective of each advertiser is to reach the right people in the right place at the right time in an efficient and profitable way. Digital Out of Home allows you to do exactly that, but more importantly, the opportunity with DOOH is to use it as a communication channel instead of an advertising [...]

Strategies to generate affective contents

By |2018-06-07T11:42:44-05:00June 7th, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage|

Less than ten years ago, the content was mainly static images with little or no animation and generally of low quality. Advances in LED technologies have allowed the use of striking animations and transitions. With these new developments, the content can now be intriguing, interactive, vivid and artistic. An Intel study found that digital communications [...]

7 rules to deliver interesting content

By |2018-05-23T12:59:32-05:00May 21st, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage|

Is your digital content driving interest and commitment or leaving the audience impressed? An Intel study found that digital communications capture 400 percent more views than static signage. But not all digital content is created equal. There are innumerable strategies of digital communication and technological advances, so do the capabilities of the content. Less than [...]

7 design principles for impressive digital signage

By |2018-05-23T12:49:59-05:00May 21st, 2018|Content creation, Digital Signage|

The medium changes, the art remains. The digital age has brought an incalculable amount of new opportunities for artists. In the 1600s, an artist could sculpt clay or paint on a large canvas. Nowadays, some of the best artists create digital animations or design applications. Digital signage is one of those evolving media. It is [...]

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